Q4- Why do fingernails grow faster than toenails?

Fingernails grow faster than toenails due to a few different reasons:

Blood flow: Fingernails receive more blood flow than toenails, which provides them with more nutrients and oxygen needed for growth.

Hormones: Hormones can also affect nail growth, and the hormones that stimulate nail growth are more active in the fingers than in the toes.

Use: Fingernails are used more frequently than toenails, which can also stimulate growth. Activities such as typing, gripping, and picking at things can put more stress on the nails, which can encourage growth.

Genetics: Finally, genetics can also play a role in the rate of nail growth, and some individuals may have genes that cause their fingernails to grow faster than their toenails.

Overall, while the exact reasons why fingernails grow faster than toenails may not be fully understood, it is likely due to a combination of factors including blood flow, hormones, use, and genetics.

